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What can I do in Design?

What can I do in Dev.?

Graphic Designer & Developer

Hi, I'm

Eric Kim

I design & develop everything you need for your business.

Web Development
Graphic Design
Print Outs

Here is a little bit


I have been working as a graphic designer for over 10 years
and also have started to work as a front-end developer.

My design experience gives me better understanding in web development.

I design and develop better visually with the knowledge of graphic design and front-end.


+ years

Work experience


+ Projects


Each situation

I've been doing these


Hands on experience with leading whole brand launching on several large projects, handling thousands of individual design projects for many years with satisfying response from clients.

Web Dev. & UX/UI Design

Responsive web UX/UI design and develop through the conversation with the clients. Catch clients’ need and understand precisely.


Catch the point of purpose and visualize to show customers online and offline.

Product Packages

Understand the concept of the item and design with eye-catching trends.

Print outs

Design leaflets, poster, banner, magazine, standing banner and etc. as well as print out advertisements for marketing or information.

I can offer these


UX/UI Responsive design
by purpose of use
Web Development Understand & approach
based on conversation
E-Commerce Set up your online mall
to sell various products
SEO Expose your website
to potential customers
Graphics Design everything
for your business
Product Packages Consider and approach
the concept of the item
Marketing Plan Marketing consulting
based on Google Analytics

To set up your business

Let's work together

상호명 : 에릭크리에이츠 │ 대표자 : 김동현 │ 전화 : 010-3630-6156
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 212, A동 1506호(잠실동, 갤러리아 팰리스)
사업자등록번호 : 393-52-00842 [사업자정보확인] │ 통신판매업신고 : 2024-서울송파-1571 │ 개인정보관리책임자 : 김동현


상호명 : 에릭크리에이츠
대표자 : 김동현
전화 : 010-3630-6156
주소 : 서울특별시 송파구 올림픽로 212, A동 1506호(잠실동, 갤러리아 팰리스)
사업자등록번호 : 393-52-00842
통신판매업신고 : 2024-서울송파-1571
개인정보관리책임자 : 김동현